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HarrisData Blog

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The unique opinions and ideas of HarrisData on the software business, enterprise application software, the mid-market, and other topics.

New Release Adoption Rates The Key Metric in Software

Getting the installed base to upgrade is becoming a survival imperative, as customers left on older versions compare what they have to what's available from the cloud and find it wanting. The ERP industry is finally taking the new release ... Continue reading

The Web of Nouns

Web of Things is all the rage, where your smart phone starts your car and schedules servicing, or the refrigerator reminds you to pick up milk on the way home. In the near future things will connect to the web ... Continue reading

A Modern Transaction Architecture

Consider the Payroll application as typically designed. The object is to convert hours worked into paychecks while calculating taxes, benefit deductions, and garnishments. The work flow is broken into a series of segments: hours entry, payroll calculations, verification, check printing. ... Continue reading

What is Modern?

Rumors have SAP joining the stampede to HTML5 based user interfaces. To get there, SAP will build a new platform, replacing the $4 billion platform underneath Business-By-Design. HTML5 is the current technology for a "modern" user interface, filling the role ... Continue reading

Bookmark, Link, Search

[Highlights of CEO Keynote at HarrisData's 1013 User Conference.] Step away from the vendor hype wars over cloud computing and look at what the cloud means to users. Anything a user wants to do will be reached by a bookmark, ... Continue reading

Too Big to Succeed

Cyprus is in the news as the world wrestles with insolvent banks in that country. The challenge is that a failure of the Cypriot banks would lead to wider failures across the world. The underlying idea is that banks can ... Continue reading

Implementation Risk

Another day, another ERP vendor sued over an implementation failure. The customer did not achieve success implementing core ERP software and naturally blamed the vendor for inadequate support. You would think that by now someone somewhere would understand what it ... Continue reading

Surviving the Drop in Business Investment

Truly amazing news as the UK's National Museum of Computing keeps the WITCH online - mechanical relays, paper tape and all! The computer's "flashing lights and clattering printers and readers provides an awe-inspiring display for visiting school groups and the ... Continue reading

Tablets Mean Changes for the Enterprise

Plenty of hype has been offered as tablet computers (first the iPhone, then the iPad) arrived, sold in enormous numbers, and slowed PC sales. Software vendors were quick to deliver Apps - partly to ride the new wave and partly ... Continue reading

The Pendulum Swings

Anecdotal evidence of a US manufacturing rebound has been building for the past two years. Here and there manufacturers "reshored" production to address problems encountered in the rush to low labor costs in China and elsewhere. New statistical evidence supports ... Continue reading

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