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Vote for IP Watchdog

If you want to get up-to-date information on the world of intellectual?property, and you want it to be interesting, passionate (yes, some people are passionate about IP) and sometimes even controversial
(yes, IP can also provoke fiery controversy), then you definitely need to sign up for Gene Quinn's IP Watchdog blog.

IP Watchdog is considered one of the most influential IP blogs in cyberspace. In fact, the American Bar Association runs a poll each year to rank the best law blogs, and IP Watchdog usually comes out on top or near the top for IP blogs. But as they say on DWTS, you need to vote! There's no guarantee that your celebrity will win. So I'm asking you to vote for IP Watchdog in the ABA blawg 100 competition. Go here
to vote and look for IP Watchdog in the... where else?... IP category.

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Bob Zeidman of Safe Corp discusses issues of software intellectual property, analysis, and forensic engineering.