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7 Ways to Maximize Your Software Demo's ROI

With all the marketing initiatives you are managing, it can be easy to build your software demo, get it on your website, and then hope for the best. But, if you really want to maximize its ROI, you have to leverage your demo in more places besides your website.

Here are some ideas to maximize your demo’s results.

7 ways to get more from your demo:

  1. Create an email marketing campaign around your demo, leveraging an auto-play link within the email content so that every prospect’s inbox has a narrated demonstration that showcases your solution.
  2. Use the same auto-play link in each employee email signature to promote your solution across all departments.
  3. Create an Adwords landing page spotlighting your demo to enhance PPC campaigns and pull leads further into your sales cycle within the first click to your website.
  4. Put it to work at trade shows and conferences–loop it on a monitor in your booth for floor traffic and load it to flash drives as giveaways.
  5. Save it to your sales team’s iPads and mobile notebooks so that they can give a quick overview of your software anywhere, anytime.
  6. If you have multiple product demos, create a YouTube channel as an easy and accessible sales resource.
  7. Blog about it, allow it to be embedded as a video on other industry blogs, and include your demo in your social media initiatives to get more conversations started around it.

The more you use your demo, the better your ROI. By pushing it beyond your website, your demo can reap big rewards with minimal time and effort.

Read More In: Marketing and PR

This blog covers all things software demo-related. From content to technology, we discuss what works and what doesn't to help give you the competitive edge when it comes to building your software demos.

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